What Qualifies You As Obese? – Know Everything About Obesity
The human body is the most brilliant and sophisticated creation in the universe. We may think all the bodies are same because all of them designed in the same way and function in the same manner. But, everybody has its own language and individuality.
Not everyone who looks wholesome is obese and not everyone who looks normal is not obese. There are various parameters that determine whether a person is obese or not. Read ahead to understand what qualifies a person obese and what causes it.
What is Obesity –
In simple terms, obesity can be termed as the state of being in way beyond one’s normal weight. In medical terms, a person is considered obese if he is more than 20 kilograms higher than the healthy weight he’s supposed to be. The healthy weight of a person is determined by the age, sex, height and the person’s physical personality.
But, how to find if you are obese?
Your doctor would confirm if you are falling in obese category based on your BMI score. If your BMI score is under 18.5, you are underweight. If the score is between 18.5 to 24.9, you can be considered as healthy. Overweight score comes between 25-29.9 and obese score is 30 or higher.
Obesity Levels –
After conducting the BMI evaluation, your doctor categorizes under which category your obesity level. Typically, there are 3 levels.
Obesity level l: If the person’s BMI index is somewhere between 30-34.9, he’s Level I obese.
Obesity level ll: If the BMI score is between 35-39.9, you come under level II obesity.
Obesity level lll: BMI index of 40 or higher will considered as level III and it is also called as "morbid" obesity.
Apart from BMI index, there are other measures such as The Edmonton Scale which helps in measuring not just the body fat but also it gives a clear picture of the person’s health condition.
The Edmonton Scale Method
The Edmonton Scale method is a step above the BMI index. Based on the health condition, functionality of the body and other measure, the scale is segregated into 4 stages.
Stage 0: You do not have any health issues.
Stage 1: This is the initial stage of obesity. The person may experience slight raise in his blood pressure and may experience aches and inflammation.
Stage 2: Type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure or any other chronic disease that is related to diabetes exists in the person’s body. The person may also experience slight difficulty in performing daily activities with ease.
Stage 3: Higher chances for serious health issues such as a heart attack, renal disorders, heart failure and stroke.
Stage 4: The person may experience most severe health conditions that could be fatal if the treatment is not provided.
Obesity finds many ways to reach your body. Apart from the sedentary lifestyle, it can be triggered by genetic reasons. Here are a few reasons for obesity.
- If you are not sweating out the calories that you are consuming, you are at a great risk of obesity.
- Emotional wellbeing plays a major role as well. When you are stressed or sad, you are at a risk of gaining weight.
- Genes also contribute to your weight gain either by giving obesity directly or by making you eat more than you required.
Treatment for Obesity –
The body has a brilliant mechanism of conveying what it feels when it is experiencing an abnormality. This applies even for obesity too. Your joint start aching, blood pressure will be increased, hormone balance will be disturbed leading to chronic medical conditions.
The body has a brilliant mechanism of conveying what it feels when it is experiencing an abnormality. This applies even for obesity too. Your joint start aching, blood pressure will be increased, hormone balance will be disturbed leading to chronic medical conditions.
Medical help for obesity can certainly help. Visit the nearest weight loss clinic to perform basic check-up. Consult your bariatric surgery doctor or obesity surgery doctor if you have been advised to undergo a surgery.
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