Getting Rid of Gas Pain & Stomach Bloating

A natural by-product of the digestion process in the human body is stomach gas. Gas in the digestive tract and stomach is generated when air is swallowed or food is broken down by healthy bacteria in the colon during digestion. Though most people experience it, excessive gas formation is not only extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable but can also cause gas pain in the stomach.
Usually, the body gets rid of the gas by its passage through the rectum or by the burping process. Mostly this gas is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and some amounts of methane which are largely odourless. However, sometimes the stomach gas can have a foul smell due to the generation of sulphur by the intestinal bacteria.

Normally human beings pass the gas atleast thirteen to twenty-one times a day. When the gas is blocked, it may result in constipation or loose stools. The trapping of gas in the stomach and intestines can also cause unpleasant experiences including shooting pain, cramping, inflammation, tightness and bloating. In severe cases, the pain may be even mistaken for appendicitis, gall bladder stones and heart disease.

Stomach Gas Symptom
  • Frequent belching during or after mealtimes which may be due to excessive swallowing of air.
  • Chronic belching may be indicative of upper gastro-intestinal disorders like gastritis, peptic ulcers and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
  • Flatulence which is passing of gas through the rectum.
  • Pain in the abdomen due to the collection of gas in the left portion of the colon which can be wrongly mistaken for cardiac ailments. Likewise, the accumulation of gas on the right side of the colon can indicate stones in the gall bladder or appendicitis.
  • Bloating of the stomach due to malfunctioning intestinal muscles.

Stomach Bloating Reasons
  • Upper intestinal gas is caused by excessive swallowing of air (also called aerophagia) and unhealthy habits like overeating, smoking and chewing gum repeatedly.
  • Lower intestinal gas may be a result of excessive consumption of certain foods, inability to digest specific foods or bacterial dysfunction in the colon.
  • Inhibition of muscular contraction (Gastroparesis) and movements in the intestines which is termed as motility disorder.
  • Certain digestive disorders like pancreatitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), GERD, splenic-flexure syndrome (trapping of gas in the colon), Crohn’s disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis and Dumping syndrome.
  • Chronic health issues like diabetes, intestinal obstruction, acute lactose intolerance and colon cancer

Foods that can cause stomach gas include
  • Certain varieties of beans and lentils
  • Soluble fibres  including oat bran and most fruits
  • Insoluble fibres like wheat bran
  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts which contain a complex sugar called raffinose
  • Lactose laden dairy products like cheese and ice-cream
  • Carbonated beverages like soda, beer and aerated juices
  • Starchy foods like potatoes, corn and noodles
  • Ingredients like fructose found in some fruits like pears, soft drinks, artichoke, onions and wheat
  • Sugar substitutes like sorbitol that are present in chewing gums, sugar-free candies and artificial sweetening agents

  • Stomach gas and bloating rarely indicate an underlying serious health condition. The discomfort caused by it can be treated by
  • Changing the diet by consuming healthy and non-gas producing foods and avoiding carbonated drinks.
  • Reducing the amount of gas swallowed by not eating chewing gums and hard candies often.
  • Taking some medications to counteract gastric problems.
  • Doing some simple movements like walking, squatting and lying on the side or the back. 
However, if symptoms persist or become severe or are accompanied by other signs like vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, blood in the stool, chronic abdominal pain and unexpected weight loss it should not be neglected. It is strongly recommended to consult the Gastro Specialist doctor for making an appropriate diagnosis and deciding the correct course of treatment.

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