Best Ways to Beat Obesity - Natural and Surgical

The whole world is busy in fighting the current pandemic. But there is an epidemic that is spreading without making any noise at least as much as the coronavirus but this has been busy causing all types of chronic conditions. All this introduction is for obesity, another health issue that is qualified enough to be an epidemic (arguably).

Everyone knows the long list of health complications obesity can cause and knows exactly what they should be doing to keep their weight in check and within the healthy BMI index. A healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritionally rich diet, daily workout or a physical activity, meditation for a sound mind - the right boxes you need to tick for a long and healthy life.

But like many things in life, following a healthy lifestyle for extended periods is easier said than done. Before you realize your BMI index is way past the healthy limit and you decide to wage war against the stubborn fat. If you are one among the millions who are in this fight, this blog is for you. Continue reading to know the ways you can beat obesity in healthy ways.

Perfect Your Diet with Protein-rich Content

Poor diet choices are the major culprits to blame for obesity. Having said that, sometimes even if you fill your refrigerator with all fruits and vegetables and stick with them for months, you cannot see the expected results. The best diet for weight loss is the one that works for you and one-size-fit-all does not work in this case.

Consult your weight loss specialist before you take any step towards your goal of losing weight. There won’t be any bigger disappointment than realizing that you have been eating wrong all this while.

Keep Moving

We meant it in both literal and metaphorical meanings - just keep moving. If your diet contributes to your loss about 40 percent, it is the workout and the efforts you take to shed those extra layers of fat that do the rest of the job. 

If your everyday gym is already boring and de-motivating , consider outdoor activities such as cycling, taking a membership of a sports or cross fit clubs. But duly consult your weight loss consultant to avoid any health complications.

Treatment for weight loss 

Once you reach the threshold where nothing seem to be working, there is always hope for obese people in the form of best obesity clinics. 

The treatment process starts with a physical examination, taking your health history into consideration, calculating your BMI and waist measurement to finalize the best suitable surgery option for you as there are various types of bariatric surgeries. Here is all you need to know about weight loss treatments and weight loss surgeries.

Gastric Bypass - In this procedure, the food is re-routed while making it skip most part of the stomach. The person feels full quickly and also will be able to maintain the regular meal gaps without feeling hungry.

Gastric Sleeve - Advanced surgery option and less complicated compared to gastric bypass. Weight loss will be drastic and long-term without any major health complications. Surpassed the gastric bypass surgery in terms of popularity, thanks to its reversible method whereas gastric bypass is irreversible. 

Gastric Band - A potential option for people who are looking for less invasive surgery methods. In this procedure, a band is used to reduce the size of the stomach. However, constant care is required as the band needs to be adjusted every now and then, till the time it is removed. 

Gastric Balloon - Absolutely non-surgical method to kick start your weight loss treatment. This temporary method is meant to be lost for 6 months and people are opting for it more and more as this is a low-invasive method compared to the other options. 

Weight loss surgeries are considered as the go-to options when the natural methods fail. Book an appointment with your nearest obesity clinic to understand what would be your best option to lose weight and gain health.

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